Friday, September 08, 2006

Dubbin' Club music player

Pretty much based on a S& IM, this is a sound player skin design for Dubbin' Club :P (aug. 2006)

The upload race to get finished soon. A few web design projects perhaps and that's it, at the moment. More works to come as the time goes on. Or when I discover someting from my unfathomable hard disk, that is worth mentioning :P Thank you.

Perenety GUI

April 2006, started the perenety's shooter7 GUI design. The software is still under development, but you can download your beta copy from The interface us also to be developed further. Shooter allows you to exchange files with your friends, as it is based on a P2P technology, its advantage is that you can deliver larger files over the net, than your mailbox could handle.


March 2006 - GUI for software "GoGoEd"

Instant Messenger skin

UI for Instant Messenger for

Out of Fuel

Photoshop is allmighty. Many famous designers from all over the world do not use more than 10% of its capabilities :P

Map tracing

.. for Bishop Konig Advertising (ugh, couldn't google out the link :/ ) - map of the region of Australia

Sellathon GUI

August 2005, GUI for the Sellathon software..

2005 continued..

I was most of the time working for Trendstop (image retouching; thanks Trendstop for the kind opportunity to work for you!) in 2005, so not so many fancy designs this year.. well this little postcard for is one of them :P


Every year in January, I'm thinking about changing my website design :) I was also doing that in 2005, this time the project went no further than just a sketch :P

Cuba maps :)

Cuba maps for :P I pretty much like that kind of work :-)

Live Support Icons II

Another batch of icons for :P


Mockup logo for UrbanCamp :) jhumpp-jhumpp :P

Carz 4 less

"skin" for Carz4less (July 2004)

Stonearch booth

poster for Stonearch exhibition booth :P (the image is from Delicate Arch, Arches National Park, Utah, USA)

phpLivesupport icons

This post will look like a million dollar home page :P - live chat icons for :) (June, 2004)

Gear Synch

some gearwheels :P

All about Hype

April 2004 - web design mockup for -

DPM splash screen

Splash screen for Dealer Price Manager program, for AAworldsales :P

Thursday, September 07, 2006

design + code = cooperation

Together with php guru Lauri, we have created some simple cms-driven web pages. For example, Ad Altum. I have been responsible for graphic design, while he has been in charge of making it work (code) . Another (free) project made together is here. Kudos, Lauri - looking forward to work together again, soon =)

Stonearch icons

Part of the Stonearch GUI, March 2004. Stonearch was an interesting experience for me - first because that one of the leader car companies in the world, Volvo, was using their content management software. With having more than one project done with them, I was again left without money. I received my payment six moths later after the right deadline. Received it because the new owner of the company was a man of honour - thanks!

Sharper Image

March 2004 - logo for sharper image. I didn't win the bid :P

hubble bubble mubble ghubble :P

just some buttons. Awww I love them so much =)

playing with logo design..

Here's a tiny example of process how I sometimes like to create logos :) First, some pencil (yes, real pencil, not wacom one :P ) sketches and playing around with it.. Then the other elements.. to fine tuning them for special content (web, print..).

What is logo? (wikipedia)

Coffee Bean Café

Another tiny logo project from February 2004 =)

718 Incorporated

logo :P


Back to year 2003, I had luck to make some online certifications. They are not worth much, but good if you'd like to test your skills.

By the way, Photoshop CS test is available in brainbench today - tough stuff :P

It seems Expertrating has also become ISO 9001-2000 certified - nice improvement. It would be nicer to find newer photoshop test than PS6, but I'm sure they're about to come.

For some real certification, use Thomson Prometric site to locate professional software tests. Back to 2004, I tried Photoshop CS ACE test, and scored 68 out of 100. Thomson Prometric is a real deal, because you won't do it online, but go to the representative's office and there you are - test and your brain with white paper and pen for notes :P Also be sure you know english good enough, as the vocabulary used can be pretty specific.


Sometimes, you find yourself doing this and that, including designind something "just for the record" :P

HBCU logo renewal

In a freelance practice, technical works often come in. This time it was my task to re-create HBCU logo using bitmap-based one as a reference, giving it vector-based output (january 2004)


Januray 2004 - some icons for Harpsoft Bendometer (Java powered)

SML Portal

Started in December 2003, the SML Portal GUI (graphical user interface) for Power Objects was a take-off project for the year 2004.

CD Cover

.. for open contest in DreamweaverCafe in december 2003. (check out the Café, a good resource for Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Illustrator and other related programs users)

Berkeley Springs Castle LLC

November 2003. Sometimes you have to create a mock-up design to get the deal (which I did not get this time - I wonder why :P )

Astri Grill

November 2003, web design for Astri Grill. I did not ask a fortune for this design, they never have payed me for this work, though. So when you happen to travel to Estonia and visit their nice buffets and cafés, you know that their too poor to pay for their website design. So what about finally paying me for my work, Astri?

(see how the menus were intended to work)

Level Workwear

Logo for high quality workwear brand in Estonia (october 2003)

"The World can be safe"

"The world can be safe" - this is what it tells in the dark red area in the right top corner of the folders. For Tamrex, October 2003.


October 2003, a modest web page for EcoMarketer. (Up and running today=).

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Another project in September 2003 was to design web page layout for (the site is currently down, I just checked. Unfortunately this nice project has not become real till today)

It was also my first project for abroad that I was payed promptly and left positive feedback. Kudos, anej :)

the link for menu rollovers in work)

Atchison Catholic School

One of the first project I was awarded in emoonlighter was that it was in my responsibility to cut out this lovely son of a crow (raven? :P) out of the clock, and make it a standalone logo with additional text. I was never payed for that work, nor did anyone contact me after I had sent them the full resolution files. Even more, I asked my sister (she is a very talended illustrator) to draw me a baby raven (ain't she lovely? :P) and also vectorized it for them, including to deliver the high-res image. So freelance world was like any other - when you step in, you will be first ripped off and deceived :P

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

New portfolio

August 2003. I registered the domain to launch my personal portfolio web page essential to starting freelancer. Not sure what was I thinking about this D before lancer, Digital Freelancer? Different Freelancer? Anyway the and were free these days, so I picked up one. ( was registered from Asia a few months later - should we make business again? (j)) :P

(link is to full working page)

Wayne Simanovich

August, 2003. Mock-up design for Wayne Simanovich' web page. I did not win the deal :P

There's also a html version of this site available here - link.

I also visited his dog training web page to see what's going on there - feel free to click, a high quality web page is under the link :)


August 2003 - time to decide. From a local forum Pixel, there was a thread about there's an international marketplace out there to make bids and earn money, called EMoonLighter (it had been guru before it, and is today) Seventy five hard-earned bucks and you are ready to go :)

This was the first logo I created (for free) to rival colleagues from all over the world.

(sorry for the copyright marks!)

Estonian Bank

Idea for Estonian National Bank's LiveLink based intranet design.

Enterprise Estonia

In 2003, I was lucky to enter $4000 prize logo contest by Enterprice Estonia.
The winner was never announced, it seems big guys just sometimes love to collect new ideas :P

As with design of 2002 (in Tamrex), I have it in archive at the moment, so I'll unzip it one fine day to upload :P

2002, 2003

I was working in Tamrex Safety LLC, in 2002-2003.

In 2003, a new company,, was about to lunch. Minds were not looking at the same direction so I quit before the company oficially launched. They exist today, though haven't been able to renew their page visually over 3 years.

A few funky designs are still up & running in the holy internet today, Sept 5th, 2006 :)

Aisa (hotel in Pärnu)
Ross (smithy)
Saaremaa Sepad (smithy of Saaremaa)
Maurus (pub in the center of Tallinn)
Tegelikkuse Keskus (alternative news, stories)
Akordia (timber importers)


I think this is the last work from a year 2001. I got a job in Windh AB (former Pildipank) this time, so no time for fancy photoshopping :) It was a pleasant year with windh, a lot of great experience in terms of scanning and retouching images. Thanks.


Artwork probably from a year 2001. I was in the army from April 2000 to April 2001, so not much fancy stuff within that period. Synesthesia was one of my favourite words these days, first because it was a song by Porcupine Tree, second because it meant that you heard things and saw sounds.

Three of them - fragmented.

English was popular these days, and we were thinking the more english words we have in our works, the cooler we are :) I think I was just discovering paths and pen related tools in photoshop, which is often an essential part of any quality project made in photoshop, today..

VS - versus

I was very happy once I could produce an image like this. Photoshop was fun to discover, with a computer like Celeron 300MHz with 64Mbytes of ram and 3Gb HDD, this program was just pleasure to use :)


In some reason, I named this work "era" back in year 2000. Millennophilia? :P .. available as 3200*3200 pixel print file :P Will send it for you to print for free, just send me a mail about it :P


Some day in 2000, a grandmaster jezebel made a tutorial how to design eye using photoshop. Not sure if that tutorial still exists today?.. :)

Time to Fly

From 1999. For local online magazine contest. Who knows who won that, anyway? :)

Time Trip

Time trip to follow. Works since 1999. One of the first ones I could locate, probably just experimenting with Photoshop 5. Funny to look at it seven years later :)


List of my porfolio pages, 2003-2006 as follows.

2004 I
2004 II
2004 III

Static page has become a blog

From today on, my professional page will be blog-based. Blogs are nice piece of art these days, and they integrate better with today's and future search engines. Blogs are also a recommended web page forms according to the web 2.0 standards. I'm also sure that the integrations of every kind of elements are part of any modern blog today, or in the near future.