Thursday, September 07, 2006


Back to year 2003, I had luck to make some online certifications. They are not worth much, but good if you'd like to test your skills.

By the way, Photoshop CS test is available in brainbench today - tough stuff :P

It seems Expertrating has also become ISO 9001-2000 certified - nice improvement. It would be nicer to find newer photoshop test than PS6, but I'm sure they're about to come.

For some real certification, use Thomson Prometric site to locate professional software tests. Back to 2004, I tried Photoshop CS ACE test, and scored 68 out of 100. Thomson Prometric is a real deal, because you won't do it online, but go to the representative's office and there you are - test and your brain with white paper and pen for notes :P Also be sure you know english good enough, as the vocabulary used can be pretty specific.


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